Bee themed window display

One Craft Gallery’s latest window display features a standard beehive made by David Chambers.  David is not only a master craftsman in wood but he is also a keen and very knowledgable beekeeper who teaches beekeeping at River Cottage.  David specialises in Top-Bar beehives (shown in the photo below) which are the latest, simplest, most economical and natural way of beekeeping.

David has been a member of One Craft Gallery for many years and we always have a wide selection of his beautifully made furniture.  We also have David’s honey, wax candles and beeswax for furniture available in the gallery.

For our spring window display, we are celebrating the honey bee and our members have created some wonderful bee themed pieces.  Glass specialist, Fran Davies, has made some delightful Winnie the Pooh and bee glass hangings, mixed media artist Helen Thompson has made some wonderful gift bags as well as the bee mats in the window and jeweller, Caroline Tetley made the origami and hanging bees in the window.

Helen Thompson and Caroline Tetley are the creative team behind One Craft Gallery’s window displays and they are always wonderfully eye-catching and imaginative.  Here are a few photos by Helen of our bee themed window.


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